Keto diet has been linked with many health benefits, such as improved skin tone, weight loss, and many other benefits people are looking for. To many people around the world, the ketogenic diet is the 'go-to' way of losing weight as well as fighting many age-related conditions. It is a method that many celebrities have endorsed and is supported by science.
The truth is that the first week can be difficult and exciting at the same time; during this period, you're filled with emotions and willing to try something new, which will replace your old habits such as eating throughout the day or bad diet habits. Of course, you should expect your body to react to change. By the time the first week ends, you would have gotten rid of much sludge that may have compromised your detoxifying organs or digestion system. You also would have improved nutrient absorption, leaving the bladder and liver better equipped to clean the body well. Below are five things that will make the first week of your ketogenic diet go smoothly.
1What Is Keto Diet?
The keto (ketogenic) diet is derived from a metabolism process known as 'ketosis;' this happens when the body lacks glucose for energy, leaving the body to burn fat instead. During the fat-burning process and when the ketosis process starts, the liver produces a chemical known as 'ketones,' which is then sent to the blood to fuel the body. Keto diet's main idea is purposely reducing the intake of carbohydrates, which encourages the body to burn stored fats.
In other words, keto is a high-fat and low-carb diet that requires adequate consumption of protein. By breaking down everything in percentage, the results will be 5%-10% of calories from carbs, 15%-30% of calories from protein, and 60%-75% of calories from fat. Note that not all meals have to be balanced; however, the proportions must resemble the above numbers at day's end.
2Keto Is Not Just About Cutting Carbs
If you are thinking of trying the keto diet, the chances are that you know you have to eliminate carbohydrates from your meals; this is somehow true. The bottom line is that you have to reduce your intake of foods such as rice, pasta, and bread, which are high on the glycemic index. However, because there are various excellent substitute options, you will not miss these high-carb foods. Do not forget that substituting these foods with fat will not make you hungry.
With this diet plan, you can eat a lot of low-carb vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower. Protein intake will be low, with about 15%-30% total intake, which should come from healthy sources of protein like tofu, fish, beef, or chicken. Fats should complete your daily diet. Remember that the fats should be good fat from cheese, avocados, olive oil, nut butter, and ordinary nuts.
3Keep The First Week Simple
It is very important during the first week to not worry about macros, as they should come later in the diet plan. Otherwise, it will become difficult for you quickly. We all know that when something becomes difficult within the first few weeks, there is a risk of quitting. On the other hand, moving too fast at the beginning of your ketogenic diet plan will result in what we call keto flu.
Keep everything simple within the first week, and allow the body to adjust to the changes. Therefore, for the first week, do not worry about counting calories, portions, and sizes. Let the first week be all about letting the body adjust to using fat instead of glucose.
4Easy Steps To Take In The First Week
Within the first week, cut down the intake of sugar, beans, grains, rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes. Avoid eating plenty of fruits as well. You should also begin looking for sugars concealed in the stuff we eat, such as peanut butter, salad dressing, pasta sauce, jellies, and so on.
If you wish to eat fruits, consider varieties with a low glycemic index, such as berries. Eat anything you wish in terms of meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables, nuts, fats, and avocados. Other great food options are turkey- or ham-wrapped cheese sticks, nuts, avocados, pepperoni, and salami. You can munch on these to keep your hunger at bay.
5Don't Get Discouraged
All you need to remember is that your aim is breaking your life-long eating habits and your craving for carbohydrates. Know that this may be mentally and physically uncomfortable for your body. The chances are that you may feel lethargic, but let it not deter you from what you are working for because your body is switching from using one form of energy to another.
With time, you will begin to feel the results. A majority of people state that they feel energized and even start seeing signs of losing weight at the end of the week. If you don't feel this within the first week, don't give up but persevere instead; soon, you will begin to see the results. Just like any change, the keto diet can be challenging and yet simple. It all depends on you.
The keto diet plan is designed to help with weight loss. As such, if you are using the diet plan to lose weight, then you must be wondering how soon you will begin to see results. Well, what you need to remember is that everyone is different, which means the results' time and rate differ as well. Therefore, this is a difficult thing to estimate.
However, within the first week, a majority of people will experience quick results in weight drop, which varies and can be as much as 10 pounds. It is because, when carb intake decreases, the body releases a lot of water and not fat. Even though this is not a fat loss, it is a sign that the diet plan is working. All you need to remember is that this rapid water loss may lead to dehydration and constipation. For this reason, it is wise to drink a lot of water than normal.