Individuals with keto flu often experience headaches, fatigue, and abdominal symptoms. According to research, the keto diet is safe, and the symptoms tend to be minor and temporary. However, many practitioners agree that it's a diet that calls for strict supervision to be effective when it comes to shedding weight.
Keto Flu Isn't Ketoacidosis
Ketoacidosis, a condition where the body produces a considerable number of ketone bodies, makes the blood more acidic. It is a condition that can be life-threatening, but it is important to note that individuals on the keto diet don't have it. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the best ways to deal with keto flu at home.
1Manage Diabetes
Individuals who have diabetes and follow a keto diet may experience low blood sugar episodes. Such instances are known as hypoglycemia. Before you get into the keto diet, it's imperative to consult your practitioner as they may need to modify your oral drug and insulin dosages.
The keto diet boosts blood sugar control temporarily, but the primary concern is if you can follow it in the long term. Since you get rid of carbs from the ketogenic diet, blood sugar levels tend to plummet, and this is why it can boost blood sugar management as well as insulin sensitivity. Insulin and oral diabetes drugs tend to lower your blood sugar. So, if you reduce your carbs consumption to 5% or less per day, on top of the medications, your blood sugar will plummet, potentially causing hypoglycemia.
2Do Only Low Impact Exercise
Even though some individuals experience a boost in stamina and energy by taking the keto diet, doing too much during the initial stage can have adverse effects. Physical performance tends to reduce during the first week of low-carb intake. Stretching, walking, or gentle workouts, however, should be fine and can even help you feel better.
When under stress from attempting to adapt to a new energy source system, you should avoid putting extra burden by doing any form of strenuous exercise. Take it slow during the initial weeks and then gradually increase the intensity of your sessions. Doing light exercise not more than three times per week can help make the body more efficient at switching between carbohydrates and fats for fuel, ideally referred to as metabolic flexibility. It helps get rid of those unwanted keto flu symptoms relatively faster.
3Take A Supplement
Mineral and vitamin deficiency is a possible long-term effect when you get into the keto diet. Your practitioner is likely to recommend vitamin supplements to make sure that your body gets the right amounts of vitamin D, calcium, selenium, and zinc. For most individuals, these supplements not only promote the keto effects but ideally reduces the keto flu symptoms.
The nutrients that you miss out on tend to be contingent on how you approach the diet, whether it is dairy-free, clean, or dirty eating, vegetarian, etc. By consulting your doctor, you will be able to know what nutrients you lack in your diet and what supplements to take. Since the ketogenic diet tends to cut or restrict many healthy foods, you are bound to miss out on some essential nutrients. Now, this is where supplements come in handy.
4Drink As Much Water As Possible
You may also experience dehydration when you first get into the ketogenic diet. If you have diarrhea, the risk of dehydration becomes even higher. Experts recommend ensuring that you take adequate fluids and electrolytes to avoid dehydration.
More often than not, your weight determines how much water you require for normal bodily functions. Calculate about 75% of your weight, and then ensure you drink that many ounces daily. If you weigh 120 pounds, then make sure you drink at least 90 ounces of water per day. The reason for dehydration cases is because the diet restricts many water sources such as fruits and some veggies since they contain carbs.
5Eat More Fiber
You may also experience diarrhea or constipation when on the ketogenic program. Nutritionists recommend eating foods with high fiber content or fiber-rich supplements if you're experiencing constipation. Your doctor may ideally suggest consuming carb-free laxatives if the above does not work.
Getting rid of vegetables and fruits in your keto diet can dramatically reduce your fiber intake, which results in constipation. The diet restricts fiber-rich carbohydrates, such as grains and fruits, so constipation is a highly probable symptom. This problem is something that might call for fiber supplements, but make sure you consult your doctor first.
6Don't Hesitate To See A Doctor
If ketogenic flu symptoms become apparent, there might not be a need to consult your dietician or doctor. That's because most of them are minor, temporary, and easy to manage with some home remedies. However, the practitioners can recommend effective treatments and ideally monitor your condition to help hamper long-term effects.
Some of the long-term complications include low protein levels in the blood or hypoproteinemia, fat accumulation in the liver or steatosis, kidney stones, and even mineral and vitamin deficiencies such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Persistent abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are ideally typical and may call for medical attention. If you are not sure whether your symptoms are to be expected, ensure you consult your practitioner.
As with any diet or exercise program, it's a good idea to consult your doctor to make sure it is safe. The keto diet isn't safe for everybody and can lead to severe complications. Your doctor will continuously monitor your fat and cholesterol levels when on the keto diet.
Also, bear in mind that the flu-like symptoms will alleviate with time. Individuals with fat metabolism disorders tend to be at risk of coma or death if they follow the ketogenic diet or fast. Some medications, like sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, tend to interact with the diet plan. Ensure that you give it time, and when the hard part is over, you will be enjoying the keto diet benefits that we have all come to appreciate.